Divine Aid (A.K.A. HELP!!)
A Scenario by Al Baker
The only survivor of their party, a supplicant prays for aid from their patron deity while under attack from two groups of evil creatures.
This is a scenario for either two to three players
Map: Either Dragon Shrine or Drow Enclave
Warbands: Three warbands totaling six hundred points. Two of them should be both 150 points each and be either Lawful Evil or Chaotic Evil. Each warband should have no more than 6 minis. No one creature can cost more than 50% of each warband’s total.
Choose one LG/CG mini that has cleric/warpriest/paladin/divine in its name. This will be known as the Caller. Make a 300pt warband with no more than 12 minis and no less than 6. This warband must be of either Lawful or Chaotic Good. Only Outsiders, Undead and Celestial animals of the same faction as the Caller are allowed in this band. If the mini has mixed factions, treat it as having LG or CG only. No one creature can cost more than 50% of the warband’s total cost.
Setup: Place the Caller on the sacred circle (summoning circle if on Drow Enclave). Each player rolls for initiative. If there are three players the winner automatically plays as the good warband. If two players, the winner chooses sides. The two evil warbands are setup on both ends of the map. The Caller remains on the sacred circle until all aid is summoned. As long as the Caller is on the sacred (summoning) circle, they and their warband receive 10hp healing every turn and Fearless
Gameplay follows as per the standard format with the following exceptions:
300 pt Warband
Depending on the size of your warband, you can use either a d6, d8 or d12. Each piece in your band is assigned a number. If at any time you roll a number of a mini that was already summoned, treat that as a failure. If you have more than 6 or 8 minis, use the chart below:
Here is a chart for warbands with 7, 9, 10, 11 minis
For 7 minis use a d8. On a roll of 8, the call is unanswered.
For 9, 10, 11 minis use a d12.
9 minis: roll of 10+ is a failure
10 minis: 11+ is a failure
11 minis: 12 is a failure
Multiple Activations
The Caller uses three activations to either summon aid or for defense per phase/turn if either no other creature or only one is active. Any creature summoned this turn activates on the next. Player chooses to either activate Caller or other creatures this phase. Once they have summoned all 300 pts worth of aid, activate all pieces as usual. The Caller is the last mini to activate for the round.
Use a d20 to call for aid; 1-5 is a failure.
Victory: The good player must defeat all enemies. The evil player(s) must either kill the Caller before he/she summons aid or destroy the good band entirely.