Dealing with burnout... (Strategic Lateral Move)


So Yeah…

After the Indiegogo/Steam thing, I kind lost some momentum on development. Since I invested so much into promoting (which was very eye-opening, BTW) the project. I tried to get back into the eventing and art, but it just seemed forced. Here’s what I tried on the art scene:

WIP of Chap 2 Main character

I’m got stuck with how I want to finish her off, which is where I got stuck for a bit. Then I tried to work on eventing and the motivation wasn’t there. Honestly, I got burned out on this project for now. So, I decided to pivot temporarily.


I’m making a new Tabletop Battle Game!

As I’ve said before, I’m taking the FuzOTek line, into an interesting direction. I want to make a tabletop game where you engage in fast-paced battles for supremacy in a world of living robots and magic! I’ve been working on rules, gameplay, mechanics, lore and ART (LOTS of art)!


I made a new alphabet as part of worldbuilding. See how they look below.

The world where the FuzOTek battles take place.

Currently, I’m making abilities, magic and story for this. It’s coming along quite well and I’m having a lot of fun with it.

I’m considering making a pdf for folks to get for free and printed book with art and everything for folks that want something tangible for their self. I might reach out to some artists who did work for me to add visuals to the writing. I also want people who can test out how it plays and give feedback. I’ll try to figure out a way to do this locally.


I’ve tried my hand at making music.

Out of curiosity, I’ve been playing around with this midi program called Bosca Ceoil. It’s pretty simple and FREE! I followed the tutorial for a bit and messed around and made a little ditty. It’s not much but I’m proud of it. Give it a listen:

Make sure to set it as a ringtone! You’ll never be late for ANYTHING EVER AGAIN!



I’m not giving up on Slime Kingdom, I still have plans to finish it. I just need to work out the details for the next Episode. Just need a breather from it and let my creative wings spread. Hope you don’t mind…