Bringing the New Year Late! (Happy 2022!)

Just whipped tis up in PS. Not too shabby!

Over the Christmas Holidays, I got really coz in the house and entered into a strange kind of hibernation period where I didn’t feel like doing much, but I still had ideas stirring in the old brain pan. I began working on the foundations of a new Game Project! Now I knw what you’re thinking What happened to your other game projects?


Slime Kingdom: An Unlikely Adventure will continue its production with a release of Episode 2: The Chieftain’s Daughter hopefully by Q2 this year. I’ve hit a bit of a slump on that front. (SEE this post about that).

In other news…


This month, things have been in motion, albeit slowly. I’ve still been working on the FuzOTek Battle Game project and I’m not sure what to do next with how to work out the Unit Creation system, along with other things. Here’s what I have so far on the image/art front:

I’m thinking of having a sheet that players can use to make units ,but I want to try and make it easy enough for new players, but have enough depth to be interesting. I have an idea that I just thought up to fix that issue. I also am considering an online tool that can make the process easier. Now that I think about it, it’s not an issue anymore.

WOW! Who knew typing things out could be so beneficial!

So look out for this to be done by end of the month! It may also try out some coding to get the page to look nice. Now I’m energized to finally getting this done!


So, during the break, I’ve been exploring drawing and sketching. I recently got a Wacom One tablet and a Galaxy Tab S7 FE (the one with the stylus). Both of these not-so little gadgets have really upgraded how I draw and express myself. The Wacom was a huge help with drawing in Photoshop, while the Tab S7 FE makes it easy to just sit down anywhere and crank out a quick sketch (using Autodesk’s Sketchbook app). It’ll be interesting how I can use these two in my artistic ventures. I’m considering doing a doodle/sketch a day as a challenge for next month. This way I can get my skills up and produce new content at the same time!

Here’s what I did so far!


Welp! that's been my January 2022! Yours was probably more productive, But I’m going to start picking up the pace on my productivity going forward. I might even retry getting back into the NFT business. That should be fun! Hope your New Year sees you accomplishing your goals!