My First Time using Aseprite!

I ended JSeptember with a win and now I’m venturing the seas of Pixel Art with the help of Aseprite! It’s been over a week of learning the ropes of this program and really having a good time with it. So far, I’ve only missed one day, but made it up on the next. Here’s what I have so far!

I’ve been recording the process of me creating these pieces and making YouTube Shorts! One of them has gotten HUGE views! It’s really been a help to channel growth over the past few days! You can see the full PLAYLIST on YouTube now!


I’ve decided to have interviews with interesting indie people who are either game devs, artists, programmers, writers, etc! I’m generally desirous to know what goes into their process, who they and and what makes them tick. Hopefully this will make for some wonderful content and great discussions! My first was with a great indie game dev, Doug (AKA Psychronic) of Psychronic Games! We talked about how he views the creative landscape, his charity work and what RPG Maker’s dev scene is like. It was an AWESOME way to start of this series and you can find it on YouTube!

Doug’s a really solid dude that means well and it would be great if you support him! The links to his website is HERE!


All-in-all, the month is starting to shape up in to great period of growth and experience for my professionally. Can’t wait to see how it pans out!