Let the Music Play! (AI Music Trials)

Over the past Couple of months, I’ve been playing around with AI Music tools to see what it is and how I can make content from it. So far I’ve tried out Stable Audio, mostly, but I looking at Riffusion and there’s Fadr. It’s been a load of fun with some great tunes. I used them combined with AI Art to make musical shorts that are getting some buzz! I’m considering using the songs with Runway and see what happens…

Here’s the PLAYLIST!

Subscribe to see what I do next!

If you liked The Twilight Zone, Amazing Stories or The Outer Limits...

This cute little guy is from Episode 1!

Last Month I got the crazy idea to make my own anthology story series, from playing around with Chat GPT (now in it’s 4 iteration). The stories this comes up with are always interesting and definitely a bed for imagination. After a bit of editing, I use other AI tools like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E and ElevenLabs to help piece together the visuals, while Premier puts it all together.

So far, I’ve seen that it’s drawn a lot of eyes to my channel and to the videos. I really feel like this is something special and it’s a great outlet for my creativity. Currently, work is going on for a new episode right now, that I’m hoping to have out at the same time in the past.

Feel free to watch the first two at the link Below and leave me your thoughts. Or just say “Hi!”. Either would be appreciated.


Whole Lotta TALKIN' Goin' on!

Since I’ve got all these GREAT conversations laying around, I decided why not try out releasing a PODCAST? I wanted to to my amazing subscribers about, since this is my first try at this and I’m excited. It would be great if you could swing by and give it a listen. Everyone COUNTS!


I’ve started a Discussion Project with FleshToDust on a variety of Geek and Gaming Topics called the Bi-Weekly GEEKLY Convo!

We discussed the implications of Henry Cavill coming to Warhammer!


I’m also joining with other RPG Maker Game Dev’s to discuss/critique RPG Maker Games(for now) called the Rarely Typical Players PODCAST!

I’m joined by D757 Gaming, Psychronic Games and Simple Gaming as we discuss RPG Maker Games! JOIN US!

Now you can also find these conversation on Spotify!


Looks like GAME DEV is BACK on the menu, boys!

Stop by and join my Dev Streams on YouTube and Twitch

I said I was gonna do it and so IT’S BEGUN! I’m working on the 2nd Episode of the game and so far, it’s going well. I’ve Added Autosaving and Auto Battling, the errors/bugs associated with those features and now I’m on the ART Part of game, since they will help form the rest. So Far, I’ve gotten a few maps images done and used one in-game to get a look how I’m doing. (SEE BELOW!)


A new experiment I’m running with DALL-E!

Like EVERYONE else on Planet Earth, I’m bitten by the AI Art bug! Since I’ve learned about it months ago, I’m scheming and plotting on ways to generate content using AI for faster, easier production. The Good Lord gave me an idea to share AI Art DAILY from the DALL-E Model. I call it The DALL-E Daily! You can see the posts and others on my INSTAGRAM! You can see a variation on one of my images down below!

Thought-Provoking, no?

Follow me on YouTube/Twitch to stay up-to-date on my dev journey as I work towards Ep 2’s completion! I’m also streaming gameplay of Stone Story RPG with NO COMMENTARY! on Sundays!


NES November is in EFFECT, Baby!

This has been so much fun!

After the forge of 31 days where pixel art consumed my life (and improved my analytics), it seemed like such a perfect segue for this month’s latest challenge! But this one has a bit of a twist! Instead of learning about ONE homebrew game engine, I’m learning TWO!


I’m taking this time to deep dive into NESmaker and GB Studio! It’s been a blast playing around with them tutorials for both engines and tinkering with the mechanics of them. I can definitely see uses for both. Also, there are folks that help you with flashing your games on physical media!

You heard me correctly.


For the NES, there’s Infinite NES Lives and insideGadgets is for Gameboy/Gameboy Color. I’m so tempted to try and make a game just to have it in cartridge form, but I’ll wait til later for that. You know I have a playlist of all the stuff I’m doing and we’re still a little over halt through with the month! Check the link below! I’m 22 Episodes in and going strong! Enjoy the vids and I’ll see you again soon!



My First Time using Aseprite!

I ended JSeptember with a win and now I’m venturing the seas of Pixel Art with the help of Aseprite! It’s been over a week of learning the ropes of this program and really having a good time with it. So far, I’ve only missed one day, but made it up on the next. Here’s what I have so far!

I’ve been recording the process of me creating these pieces and making YouTube Shorts! One of them has gotten HUGE views! It’s really been a help to channel growth over the past few days! You can see the full PLAYLIST on YouTube now!


I’ve decided to have interviews with interesting indie people who are either game devs, artists, programmers, writers, etc! I’m generally desirous to know what goes into their process, who they and and what makes them tick. Hopefully this will make for some wonderful content and great discussions! My first was with a great indie game dev, Doug (AKA Psychronic) of Psychronic Games! We talked about how he views the creative landscape, his charity work and what RPG Maker’s dev scene is like. It was an AWESOME way to start of this series and you can find it on YouTube!

Doug’s a really solid dude that means well and it would be great if you support him! The links to his website is HERE!


All-in-all, the month is starting to shape up in to great period of growth and experience for my professionally. Can’t wait to see how it pans out!

My September so far...

Slowly getting familiarity with JavaScript

So I started off this month fully prepared to gain some kinda competence with JavaScript by the 30th. Of course, that was easier said than done, as I really didn’t have much of a plan aside from watching YouTube tutorials and following along with Atom IDE! Luckily, I found this site called Scrimba that offered a FREE JavaScript course!

That helped my efforts to learn coding TREMENDOUSLY! Best part is they give you a little bit of HTML and CSS along with it to dip your toes in. The course is easy to follow and makes you feel like you’ve made real progress with each lesson. I even have a couple project I finished. Totally worth it! Can’t wait to see how I finish out the month!


I feel really good making this!

I recently started using Midjourney and had a cool idea come to my mind. I decided to combine some good ol’ fashion RNG with AI art generation to create the Art Bot ROULETTE! I just did my first video of it and I gotta say the process of making the art, editing the video and photoshop felt GREAT! I’m happy to see how the whole process turned out! I really let myself be creative and take chances with the thumbnail! This could be a really cool project, if people like it! I’ll try uploading more and test the waters of responses. I’m also looking to get Stable Diffusion working on my main work PC! Fingers crossed!

Here’s a sample of what I got for today!

Another 10 days to go! What’s going to happen next?!

SKAUA Celebratory Game Jam!

SKAUA Celebratory Game Jam!

I'm re-releasing the 0 Episode of Slime Kingdom: An Unlikely Adventure here on Itch! To celebrate the release, I'm holding a Game Jam! It's a short little jam with no prizes, but hopefully a bit of fun. All you need to do is make a game of what you think would've happened after the closing of the Episode 0. You can find the DLC Episodes HERE!

I'm hoping to have some great stuff to play on a stream from some great devs. I might even give out prizes for the ones I really like. Basically, I just want to play some great stuff and share my joy at getting a part of my game out for folks to see. Feel Free to stop by the Steam Page for this and the DLC Eps I'll be making.

My ARTISTIC phase!

So as you may have read my last blog, I’ve recently started making art. It’s with the help of my newest tablet that I’m able to do it. I even began a challenge to see if I can make any kind of art (sketch, drawing, doodle, etc) for the month of February! So far, I think it’s going great!

Fields of Green by Al Baker

My attempt at a landscape. Maybe I needed more clouds?


I was inspired by my wife’s FAVORITE place to be, The Beach! My best so far


So I’m going into day Three of this challenge. Not sure what I‘ll do with the pieces I generate, maybe some NFTs? What do you think?

A Worldbuilding exercise...

I’ll probably use this as part of the cover art.

Since I decided to not let burnout get me down, this pivot has yielded some awesome results. This is art and lore/ideation for a tabletop game using my FuzOTek figures. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

Slime Kingdom Triumphant!

It has been a bit of a slog, but I was able to finalize the STEAM page for the game. I decided to upload the game with a base Episode 0, with DLC Episode as the story expands and grows. Speaking of which Episode 1 IS OUT NOW!


The Fan Art contest I held to celebrate the release of the Episode 1 DLC got some really great entries which you’ll see in the FREE Episode 0 base. If you’d like to send me any art you can reach out to me on my socials.


To help with the development of this game, I’m going the crowdfunding route with IndieGoGo! I’ve got great rewards and it really would mean a lot to me if your could support this effort. I plan on releasing at least 10 episodes for this story, so every penny would be used to making this game an memorable experience!

Thanks for taking the time to read this and sorry for missing last month. I was busy trying to fix bugs and issues with releasing to Steam and stuff IRL. I appreciate whatever you can do.

Do you like Slime Kingdom? Drawing? Contests? Then this blog is for YOU!

Sketchers, Painters, even Doodlers—LEND ME YOUR EARS!

I’m holding a fan art contest for the release of the latest DLC of Slime Kingdom - An Unlikely Adventure available now on Steam! Here’s more info!

The Rules!

Phase 1: (Submissions) [UPDATE!]

Entries for the contest will last for the rest of this month, ending on 06/17/21 @ 8PM. There will be three winners chosen by ME on 06/19/21 @ 8PM. You can submit through either my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with the hashtag #SKAUAE1DLC. Also mention me when you submit as well.


  • 1ST : $100 Amazon Gift Card

  • 2ND: $75 Amazon Gift Card

  • 3RD: $50 Amazon Gift Card

Phase 2: (People’s Choice) [UPDATE!]

I will collect the best four non-winning entries and let the people decide which one will win the prize! This will run from 06/19/21 until 06/30/21 @8PM.

  • People’s Choice: $50 Amazon Gift Card

You can get the Base Episode 0 for FREE on Steam! (click image)

You can get the Base Episode 0 for FREE on Steam! (click image)

You can find the Episode 1 DLC here! (click image)

You can find the Episode 1 DLC here! (click image)


Cold Weather, Hot news!


Last month wasn’t necessarily a fast one, but it did give a lot of momentum for this one!

Here’s a breakdown of things as they stand.

I tarted a bold new product line, decide to rework one of my projects and expand my internet presence (if only a little bit). I also plan to make bold moves going forward!

New Product

An idea that’s been kicking around in my skull for a bit now…

These are poseable figures that you can assemble, but mix and match armors to make new characters. AND THAT’S NOT ALL! I plan to make this something even bigger in the future!

These are poseable figures that you can assemble, but mix and match armors to make new characters. AND THAT’S NOT ALL! I plan to make this something even bigger in the future!

Game Development

Time to dig into this game dev souffle!

Slime Kingdom  is going to get bug squash n’ tweak treatment, thanks to feedback from  let’s play YouTubers. I also plan on streaming the process to maybe  build up support. Basically hoping to kill two birds with one stone! I’m  shooting for an eve…

Slime Kingdom is going to get bug squash n’ tweak treatment, thanks to feedback from let’s play YouTubers. I also plan on streaming the process to maybe build up support. Basically hoping to kill two birds with one stone! I’m shooting for an evening time frame (say 7-8 pm EST). Stopping by would really help out!

Setting up shops…

Decided to spread out my merch options for brand promotion.

I setup shops on ESTY, THINGIVERSE and MYMINIFACTORY! I hope to get a Teespring together to get some merchandise for my projects.

I setup shops on ESTY, THINGIVERSE and MYMINIFACTORY! I hope to get a Teespring together to get some merchandise for my projects.

Do you know what today is?


That’s right! March 6th, marks the first year since I launched the LLC and the second year since I started the site! I’m planning a lot of things to celebrate the 2nd year of this websites, founding and creating this business. There’s going to be:

  • A giveaway with big cash prizes!

  • Great savings at my associated shops (Esty, Teespring).

  • Other great promotional content!!

In conclusion…

I’ve put a lot of my own money into this venture and to be honest, I could use your help. To keep things going, I’ll be depending on crowdfunding to further my work and grow my business! If you’ve enjoyed anything that I’ve put out, consider becoming a Patron. I’ve great rewards like discounts, special Discords and other things. There’s also going to be a Indiegogo for Slime Kingdom, with progress reports rewards. If you did nothing more than spread the word, it would mean a lot!

Speaking of DISCOUNTS, I owe you for last month, as I had forgotten to give you one in the last email. Follow me on socials to get updated on the Teespring!

Here’s your code good for the whole month of March!: ********* (reserved for newsletter subs/patrons)

Thanks for reading this to the end and for the support you have given!

See you on the other side!

Welcome to 2021 OMI Style!!


I know this may be sudden, since I was supposed to be sending this out last year, but now that I’ve got subs and it’s a whole chapter for the site!

What have I been doing all of 2020?

Glad you asked!

Well, since I just started the LLC and made the site official, I’ve been producing a lot of products/content. I’ve ventured into the world of literature, art, game dev and 3D printing! This is only the beginning as I’ve got so many ideas that I can’t wait to share with the world! Here’s the breakdown!


I’ve released two playable versions of RPG/Adventure projects:

Monstructs: makers and Mayhem - A monster making sim/rpg (CURRENTLY IN EARLY ACCESS)!

Monstructs: makers and Mayhem - A monster making sim/rpg (CURRENTLY IN EARLY ACCESS)!

Slime Kingdom: - An episodic adventure, where a slime and his friends try to make a kingdom of their own.  (Episode 1 AVAILABLE)

Slime Kingdom: - An episodic adventure, where a slime and his friends try to make a kingdom of their own. (Episode 1 AVAILABLE)


I published my first-ever written work…

Rainbow of a Dark Mind is the first in what I call a visual chapbook. I’s part poetry and part graphic novel. It collects poems with darker themes and art that reflects them. It’s available now on AMAZON!

Rainbow of a Dark Mind is the first in what I call a visual chapbook. I’s part poetry and part graphic novel. It collects poems with darker themes and art that reflects them. It’s available now on AMAZON!


I engage my more artistic side and dabble in the world of visual art.

3D Printed

I had way too much fun with my Prusa Mini!


Not bad for a first year, huh? Still trying to build up an audience and get more traffic, but I think I did none too shabby in the few 12 months. I’ll have more things coming in the next 12 that’ll be game changers and I’ll be looking for you to stick around as I continue to expand and grow my brand. Feel free to use my Social links to give feedback and thoughts.

See you on the other side!

New Look and direction!


Sorry that I’ve been MIA for so long, but there have been some major things happening ion the background!

Since my last blog post I’ve:

  • Formed an LLC (S Corp) for my publishing company

  • Opened a Business account with my local bank

  • Set up a mailing address for the company

  • Created a new product from MY OWN IMPRINT (Out Soon)

I’ll be making more moves in the coming days as I’m cranking up product and working to produce as much as possible.