My September so far...

Slowly getting familiarity with JavaScript

So I started off this month fully prepared to gain some kinda competence with JavaScript by the 30th. Of course, that was easier said than done, as I really didn’t have much of a plan aside from watching YouTube tutorials and following along with Atom IDE! Luckily, I found this site called Scrimba that offered a FREE JavaScript course!

That helped my efforts to learn coding TREMENDOUSLY! Best part is they give you a little bit of HTML and CSS along with it to dip your toes in. The course is easy to follow and makes you feel like you’ve made real progress with each lesson. I even have a couple project I finished. Totally worth it! Can’t wait to see how I finish out the month!


I feel really good making this!

I recently started using Midjourney and had a cool idea come to my mind. I decided to combine some good ol’ fashion RNG with AI art generation to create the Art Bot ROULETTE! I just did my first video of it and I gotta say the process of making the art, editing the video and photoshop felt GREAT! I’m happy to see how the whole process turned out! I really let myself be creative and take chances with the thumbnail! This could be a really cool project, if people like it! I’ll try uploading more and test the waters of responses. I’m also looking to get Stable Diffusion working on my main work PC! Fingers crossed!

Here’s a sample of what I got for today!

Another 10 days to go! What’s going to happen next?!