My Indiegogo Failed... and I'm okay with that!


“But, Al”, you say, “How can you be okay with the campaign FAILING. I’d be destroyed by that.”

Here’s why it’s not only okay, but actually a good thing!


Number 1: No Pressure

There isn’t any pressure to get this game completed and done. I can take my time and pause production on this project once I see its hitting roadblocks or really concentrate on this game once my head is back on right. Plus, it gives my time to get other projects off the ground as well.


Number 2: Secured Funding

I’ll be honest, the main reason I can’t really devote myself to working on this or any other projects I have, is due to finances. The main reason I tried to get crowdfunding is to be able to pay bills without having to take time from this game to work to pay bills. I have a wife and kids to take care of, so my take can only really be used to provide for them. Thankfully, things should be changing where that will no longer be an issue anymore. :)


Number 3: Creative Freedom

I’m free to take my time and really make all my projects, including this game, into something enjoyable and engaging. Without the need to produce on a schedule or be seen as a scammer. I’ll be able to use my time and spurts of inspiration to power my works and will help to do great things on whatever I’m working on. I can work on my schedule, my time, when I want and my works will be much better for it!


So yes this is the second time I failed with crowdfunding (I tried with Monstructs on Kickstarter before this). But I don’t think of it as a failure at all. Honestly, it was probably the best thing to happen to me in my creative career.