A little bit of Programmer humor!
Man! What a great month of activity September was! I learned new things, created a great new content paradigm and made some great connections!
So, I set out to learn as much as I can with JavaScript, to gain some level of familiarity or grasp of the code and it’s syntax. I didn’t really have a plan on how I’d do it. I just thought I’d use some tutorials I found on YouTube. I started out with this video here:
It was very helpful in explaining the basics and I was going to stick with it. I still will hold on to it for reference, because the presenter was very thorough with his explanations. For some reason, I felt that this wasn’t quite up to date, given when it was released (2018), and decided to find something more recent to make sure I’m current with what the code trends are now.
I went scrolling through my list of tutorial vids and came across this:
Not only is it a free course video on YouTube, but it’s an actual FREE COURSE on a website called Scrimba! It’s a website where you can learn coding made by Per (pronounced “pair“), the lecturer of the above video. Not only does help teach you how to code in JS, but does it in a friendly, likeable manner that will set you at ease. The course helps you learn by making three different projects: a people counter, a blackjack game and a lead tracker. You can even download the projects after you’re done! This is the course that took up the rest of the month, but It was really worth it!
Some of my notes from the course. I took A LOT!
Honestly, I thought I was going to type code, edit it up all pretty and release it on the Socials as a form of art, but that didn’t quite pan out. Maybe I might come up with a way, if I come across the right inspiration.
The great thing was I completed the course just before the month ended! My only regret is that I really didn’t apply myself to grinding it out throughout the month. I had other stuff I was doing with the channel and life in general. The main reason I regret it is because this newest tutorial came out just as the month ended!
Man this would’ve been fun to try, but it does give me an idea for with this month or next for content and to bone up on my blossoming JavaScript skills (Need to stay sharp, you know). Look forward to it!
This was a FUN Idea!
I’ve recently gotten more involved with the world of AI-Generated content. There’s so many different models for creating amazing art! The amazing things is, we’re just in the beginning stages! I purchased a member ship with Midjourney and got the bot for Discord! While I was playing around with it…
…strange as it may seem, a stroke of GENIUS cam to me! Why not combine some randomness and Midjourney’s AI? So I came up with this new content plan! I’m using both an online dice and an AI Art prompt generators. I’ve been doing this for the past three weeks and I’ve had loads of fun and surprises with it. You can see the results in my Art Bot Roulette playlist! Here’s a gallery of all the best things I picked, so far (more to come)!
I’ve gotten back into doing let’s plays of indie games and have made some nice connections to indie devs and other Let’s play greats! I’m looking to expand my reach and achieve growth in the coming months.