July 2019: Month in REVIEW!


SUMMER 2019 is winding down, but last month was a HOT one for me! I learned a bit and gained some great insight and awesome new followers!


The COLLECT-A-FRIEND Game Jam’s submission period ended mid-month and the voting two weeks after. Out of around 84 entrants, I got 12 games (about 1:7); NOT BAD!

Some of these games made it to the New and Popular page! Why not give ‘em a play?

Some of these games made it to the New and Popular page! Why not give ‘em a play?

I gave the winners their prizes, thankfully without a hitch, and they folks who entered were glad for the experience! Here’s my thoughts on the whole thing:


  1. Make sure you have the rules and conditions written out beforehand.
  2. Be as specific as possible about dates, rules, etc!
  3. PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE! You'll get your share of TROLLS, so be ready!
  4. Be willing ti give second chances/exceptions WHEN WARRANTED!
  5. You can never, never, NEVER over-advertise!
  6. Always sure your appreciation for people taking time out to join!

This was a great and fun time, and I already have plans for another one before the end of this year (it’s a secret, but I think folks will like!)


I’m psyched to say that Monstructs: Makers and Mayhem has released BETA 2!

I’ve done a lot of bug fixing and updating with this and I’m glad with the results, so far! Just some more tweaks to the graphics and I’ll be able to release an Early Access version! Here’s the current changelog (updated form recent play testing):


BETA 2.11 Changelog



1. Updates


1a. Slight tweaking of the Battle UI.


2. Bug Fixes


2a. Fixed Grampa's House scene error.

2b. Fixed Party Attack Damage error.

2c. Fixed Revolving error after talking with Ard after the first battle




BETA 2.10 Changelog



1. Updates


1a. Change how the initial Monstruct Making scene work.

1b. Made slight change to opening fight scene.


2. Bug Fixes


2a. Fixed spelling errors.

2b. Fixed unforeseen error with Item Menu.




BETA 2 Changelog



1. Updates


1a. Added a new Gameplay Mode Called "Challenging" with more EXP and money from battles.

1b. Added a Choice for Gameplay Modes Regular and Challenging at beginning of game.

1c. Updated Monstruct skill sets with Non-Elemental skills for more variety in combat.

1d. Updated Damage to battles less grindy (hopefully).

1e. Made parties of "Rogue Monstructs" with different colors to denote their EVIL!

1f. Updated Enhancement battle mechanic.

1g. Added the Fusion battle mechanic.

1h. You can now use Destruction Scrolls to break down Rogue Monstructs into components.

1i. Updated the Party/Enemy UI for better appearance.


2. Bug Fixes


2a. Fixed Possible error with DASH ability.

2b. Fixed error where after bad guys plotting scene.

2c. Corrected tileset errors.

2d. Fixed damage calculations.

2e. Corrected Job/Mission clear conditions.


That's it for now, everybody! Thanks for reading and hae a good one!