December and 2022 Year REVIEW!


So let’s reflect on the year that was 2022…

To be HONEST, not much happened for the Website or my Social Media of any real Worth. I can’t even remember much of the year up until February…


This didn’t get a lot of traction, but it was rewarding in a way!

Personal Art Challenge

I spent all February trying my hand at artistic expression, by creating digital pieces with my Samsung Tablet. the attached stylus and the Sketchbook app were the perfect tools for me to experiment with different styles and techniques. I didn’t get much buzz for the pieces I did make, but I still have and that’s what really matters! You can find the Gallery by clicking THIS and I made a playlist of the Speed draws on YouTube.


I learned that for a small named creator CASH is the best way to get Eyeballs on a jam!


To celebrate me Fixing many of the big issues with Slime Kingdom - An Unlikely Adventure, I wanted to post a Game Jam to boost support and get eyeballs. Sadly, it failed, due to no Prize and not much help with promotion. But I did get a completed game out of it, so a minor win…


Last September was a great start to an AMAZING four Months of Progress!

I took all 30 days of Last September and committed myself to getting a decent start to learning JavaScript. I started on YouTube, but ended up on a cool site called Scrimba that helped immensely with getting the basics down! I also had a GREAT idea to use Midjourney to make Channel Content! The Art Bot Roulette has been a true joy to create and I was so proud of myself for making the Thumbnail and Logo!

Pretty Nice, right?


During October, I began having 1-on-1 discussions with people I found interesting and deserved to have their stories told! At first there were some hiccups, but the conversations had were always fun and I made so many contacts! I’ll share more about what came out this in my next Current Event post!

Who knew I would get pretty good at Pixel Art

I also took a crack at learning Aseprite by taking all 31 Days and made a bunch of pixel art pieces! I made shorts about it on YouTube and the response was insane on some of them. Definitely something to repeat for this year!


Two Great Game Engines in One Awesome Month!

You can see all of what Happened in November HERE! I’ll just say it was a BLAST of a Month! This Playlist will CONFIRM it!


What a way to end the Month AND Year!

Last month Ended on a HIGH Point. Three different things happened that kept me busy!

I’m back in the Game Dev Saddle, gang!

Slime Kingdom Episode 2 development started on the 1st and already grabbed eyeballs and support of the RPG Maker community! I solved early issues quick and now I’m making art!

A super Simple Engine with User-Friendly feel.

I played around with RPG in a Box, thanks to Amalgam Ash! It was an amazing idea since we give gifts in boxes and the engine is RPG in a Box! IT was MEANT to happen! I have a DEEP Dive Playlist of me checking out the features of the Engine and a SHOWCASE of games made in it!

And I ended the month and year with an almost 13-hour stream! It lasted so long that YouTube cut off some of it and you can only watch the whole thing on Twitch! I finally got around to playing the games folks had asked me to play earlier this year. I had so much fun and even found a new content addition for the Channel.

Thanks to all the uptick in activity, my channel has grown pretty quickly! Here’s what I got so far:

Thanks to everyone who made this possible! LET’S MAKE 2023 EVEN BETTER!!